Happy Tuesday Stream Pointers! To conclude our “outdoor health” theme, we’re telling you to get outside and move! There are so many exercises you can do outside that can benefit both the mind and the body. We probably don’t need to tell you why outdoor exercises are great, but we’re going to anyway, and then show you some options on how to maximize your exercise in the great outdoors.
While the gym has a certain allure to it for some folks – the controlled/cool climate, pump up music, and a predictable environment – it really can’t compare to the mental and physical benefits of being outside. For starters, outdoor exercise provides a more challenging workout since you’re often moving around on unstable and inconsistent turf, not to mention the resistance created by the outdoor climate like heat, rain, and wind. There is no treadmill setting that beats a run or brisk walk up and down a hill covered in trees with a cool breeze. Being outside while you exercise has also been repeatedly shown to improve mental and emotional wellbeing more so than working out at the gym. In a number of studies, individuals who walked the same distance outside rather than on a treadmill scored higher on psychological tests measuring vitality, enthusiasm, pleasure, and self-esteem and scored lower on tension, depression and fatigue. Other studies have demonstrated that people who exercised outside compared to inside produced lower levels of cortisol (a major stress hormone) post-workout.
So, in a nutshell, we encourage you to go outside because:
- You get a higher resistant workout, that ultimately gives you a more exerting workout
- You may physically cope better with stress by producing lower levels of stress hormones
- You will experience an increase in your mental and emotional sense of well being
- And of course the obvious, SUNSHINE, BLUE SKIES, CHIRPING BIRDS and MORE!
I know you’re thinking right now “but Andrea, I LOATHE running, so what can I do outside”, and to that I say LOTS! If you’re a new or seasoned yogi, why not take your practice outside for a change? If you don’t have or like your backyard, there are tons of spots around Lexington like the arboretum and local parks where you can salute the sun and find your Final Savasana. If you’re feeling adventurous, why not run down to your favorite hiking spot and do some yoga in the forest or amongst the mountains?
As you can see, we do it all the time! Harness that inner hippie – you know it’s in there! If it’s an especially hot day, you can pretend you’re doing an outdoor Hot Yoga class (hah hah) just be sure you stay hydrated.
You can also try some Qi Gong or Tai Chi outdoors, either by yourself or with a class – as a matter of fact, Stream Point Wellness has Qi Gong classes twice per week, and we’ve been known to venture outside from time to time. You can also take a few minutes in the morning or evening to do some meditation or breathwork. In fact, Traditional Chinese Medicine implores the practice of breathing in the energy from natural air – we call it “Qing Qi” – which is a fundamental part of cultivating the Qi that flows in our meridians and ensures our vitality.
You don’t even have to limit it there – take some dumbbells, an exercise call and a resistance band outside and do your workouts under the sun or moon. Or heck, just put some headphones in and run around and dance like nobody is watching, or climb a tree and enjoy your inner monkey…
Whatever your preference is for movement – just get outside and do it! We know it’s hot, but it’s not too hot yet! Soak up that sunshine and breathe that fresh air, and we’ll see you in the clinic soon!